Accounting Today Articles

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  1. IRS Issues Final Regulations for Material Advisors
  2. IRS Penalties for Listed Transactions under 6707A
  3. Don’t Become a ‘Material Advisor’
  4. The dangers of being ‘listed’
  5. Is your life insurance company going out of business?
  6. Keeping Retirees Afloat in a Changing Economy
  7. Reduce OPEB liability with VEBAs
  8. Using Captive Insurance Companies for Savings
  9. Be Careful of Abusive 419(e) Welfare Benefit Plans
  10. Battle of the retirement plans: Tax-deferred vs. life insurance
  11. Selling life insurance policies for profit
  12. Insurance swap-outs trade old policies for new ones
  13. Circular 230 disclosures: Braving the new minefield
  14. A cash-balance plan might be the answer for small biz
  15. Small biz retirement plans coming under IRS scrutiny
  16. IRS auditing 412(i) plans
  17. Cash balance plans might enhance clients’ retirement
  18. Benefit Plans: Uses and Abuses
  19. Valuations open up myriad options in succession plans
  20. Consumer-driver health: A matter of reining in costs
  21. Planners need to pay more attention to Roth 401(k)s
  22. Fiducial responsibilities: Review your 401(k) plan!
  23. Buy-sell agreements can help protect your business
  24. Proper estate planning is best when done in a group
  25. A different kind of pension: The latest on 412(i) plans
  26. Wide range of health care accounts breeds confusion
  27. Employers face big buffet of retirement plan options
  28. The hard truth about bonds — the buyer must beware!