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- IRS Issues Final Regulations for Material Advisors
- IRS Penalties for Listed Transactions under 6707A
- Don’t Become a ‘Material Advisor’
- The dangers of being ‘listed’
- Is your life insurance company going out of business?
- Keeping Retirees Afloat in a Changing Economy
- Reduce OPEB liability with VEBAs
- Using Captive Insurance Companies for Savings
- Be Careful of Abusive 419(e) Welfare Benefit Plans
- Battle of the retirement plans: Tax-deferred vs. life insurance
- Selling life insurance policies for profit
- Insurance swap-outs trade old policies for new ones
- Circular 230 disclosures: Braving the new minefield
- A cash-balance plan might be the answer for small biz
- Small biz retirement plans coming under IRS scrutiny
- IRS auditing 412(i) plans
- Cash balance plans might enhance clients’ retirement
- Benefit Plans: Uses and Abuses
- Valuations open up myriad options in succession plans
- Consumer-driver health: A matter of reining in costs
- Planners need to pay more attention to Roth 401(k)s
- Fiducial responsibilities: Review your 401(k) plan!
- Buy-sell agreements can help protect your business
- Proper estate planning is best when done in a group
- A different kind of pension: The latest on 412(i) plans
- Wide range of health care accounts breeds confusion
- Employers face big buffet of retirement plan options
- The hard truth about bonds — the buyer must beware!