- Advantage
- Allmerica Financial
- American Benefits Trust
- American Heritage Life
- Benistar
- Benistar 419 Plan
- Beta 419
- Bisys
- Commercial Union Life
- Compass 419
- Creative Services Group
- ECI Pension Services
- Grist Mill Trust
- Hartford
- Indianapolis Life
- Indy Life
- Jackson National
- Jefferson-Pilot Life
- Lincoln Benefit Life
- Lincoln National Life
- Manufacturers Life
- Massachusetts Mutual
- Metropolitan Life
- Midland Life
- Millennium
- Minnesota Mutual
- National Benefit Plan and Trust
- National Life of Vermont
- Niche
- Niche 419
- Nova
- Old Line Life
- Old Mutual
- Pension Professionals of America
- Principal Life
- Professional Benefits Trust
- Reliastar
- SADI Trust
- Sea Nine Veba
- Security Mutual
- Security Mutual Life
- Sterling Benefit Plan
- USG Annuity & Life
- West Coast Life
- Western Reserve Life Assurance